VIBNL Fee Schedule
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NCLEX, Endorsement, & Renewal Applications are Available Online!
CNA Renewal Application
CNA Endorsement Application
CNA Exam Application
LPN Renewal Application
LPN Endorsement Application
RN Endorsement Application
RN Renewal Application
APRN Renewal Application
APRN Endorsement Application
NCLEX Application
VIBNL Collaborative Agreement Form
Renewal of Biennial Registration
Registered Nurses, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical and Certified Nursing Assistant are required to renew their nursing registration every 2 years. Licensed Practical Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants renew their registration on the even year and Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses on the odd year. Registration license will expire on the last day of the applicant’s birth month.
Requirements for Renewal of Registration
Two of three competency requirements must be completed and approved by the Board for renewal. Those requirements must be earned in the previous biennium. They are as follows:
- Fifteen Contact Hours of Continuing Education for RNs and LPN’s and thirty for APRN’s. The board recommends 1.5 contact hours must be related to the prevention of medication errors
- Each Nurse is responsible for renewal of nursing registration even if a renewal application is not mailed to you from the board. Online Applications.
- Renewal Fee – Fees should be paid by U.S. Money Order or Certified Check.
- Inactive Status – Nurses who are required to apply for Inactive Registration Licenses should complete a hard copy renewal application on the day of the renewal year.